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Hi There! 

My name is Tara Murphy.  As a child, I told myself I wanted a life in the big city, a successful corporate job, a six figure income and still have time for lots of travel. Many people called me crazy. They still do. But I've never really cared much about what people think. Fast-forward to today, crazy or not, I have everything I wished for, & more.


What's my big secret? It's simple really. I learned to invest, and I created an online course, so you can learn how, too! 

What peaked my interest in finance?

Growing up I had an interest in money, credit and watching the world of business tick. I decided that because there was so much money out there, I wanted my own slice (or two!). I also recognized that I never wanted to put myself in a situation where I couldn’t have or afford what I needed. This is where the hustle began.


Throughout University I had two jobs full-time, while also going to school. I grinded it out for many years, but then I started to work smarter, instead of harder. While in University, I started investing money from my student loans. I used all the great returns I made on to travel on my weeks off. In my third year of university, I was accepted into an amazing exchange program in Australia and I spent over a year living abroad. The rest is history. My love for both the hustle and the travel has taught me how to navigate my way through money and business while still being able to live my best life. 

Where am I now?

Now, I work with a great team at an in my corporate role Bay Street, have launched my first online program, have several 1:1 private coaching clients, and am doing my best to teach you all how to take advantage of that beautiful machine called the stock market. Working at the investment bank, I have had significant transactional experience, as well as experience working in Capital Markets, M&A, business structuring, strategizing with startups and building corporate valuation. I have helped build businesses form the ground up, like the shark tank, except with more smiling.  


Although I love the Corporate Finance world, I am very passionate about making finance and investing more relatable and fun for the everybody. Managing your finances properly can really change your life, shave years off your retirement age, and really allow you the freedom and options that you deserve. 

Moral of the story...

I have that big corporate job, the income, the condo in the sky, while having funded my way through 40+ countries. I believe in balance, and putting your hard earned dollars to work. I am an avid investor myself, investing in bonds, real estate, ETF's, mutual funds, private placements, and the stock market. And you know what - I have done this all of this, on my own. I am living proof that with good investing strategies, and a solid plan, you that you can do, see and have it all. No sacrifices, no BS, just that good life. It would be my honour to work with you, teach you, and watch you succeed. 


Let's work together!

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