This week on the blog...
Financial compatibility is one of the most crucial factors in choosing a life partner. HINT: Most people don’t even realize when they have financial abuse or control within their partnership. Understanding and respecting each other's financial values and habits are the keys to a healthy and happy relationship. If you and your partner can't get on the same page about money, this may or may not lead to some turmoil in the future.
My suggestions - TALK ABOUT IT. BE HONEST. There is nothing to be ashamed or feel guilty about, it is most important to make sure you are on the same page.
So how do you determine if you and your partner are actually compatible financially? There are several financial warning signs that we should all be aware of as the typically lead to causing distress and trouble, but today, here are some of the most common financial red flags in a relationship.
Refuses to split money on dates
Refuses to talk about finances
Always lie about money
Has no assets acquired despite years of working
Keeps borrowing money from you or friends and family
Bills & utility payments are not paid or are always late
Has a manipulative financial behavior
Financial values do not match with yours
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